The world has seen huge change in just a month and like you, we are finding our way, adapting and striving to
ensure that The Squeaker continues to provide comfort, joy and a voice for you in these ‘choppy waters’.
The Squeaker feels privileged to be part of our community. I am proud that many of you regard the ‘thump’ of The Squeaker
landing through your letterbox as a monthly fixture which is valued by so many of you.
Every business has a message that needs to be heard at the moment, whether they are open, closed, delivering, going online.
Although the world has changed the need to communicate with each other has not!
Please e-mail , telephone 07752 870011
tweet us @squeakerpudsey, or if you would rather drop us a line, please send it to:
The Squeaker, Leigh House, Varley Street, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 6AN
The Squeaker
Together we will deliver!
Squeaker Readers – Your loyalty has always been appreciated and is the reason why we call it the
Squeaker Family.
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We have delivered over a million magazines to you in the last 8 years. The world has changed and we are all changing with
Look out for your next Edition… Together we will deliver!
Please e-mail
telephone 07752 870011
tweet us @squeakerpudsey,
or if you would rather drop us a line, please send it to:
The Squeaker, Leigh House, Varley Street, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 6AN